

 バルツァー男爵家の一人娘として生まれたロザリンデ・バルツァー。貴族とは名ばかりで、先代が賭博で残した多額の借金のせいで幼い頃から貧乏暮らしを強いられていたが、控えめな両親のもと、2人の愛情に包まれて不自由なくのびのび育った。  しかし、14歳の時に両親が事故で他界。借金の代わりに唯一の財産である土地と家も失い行き場をなくすが、縁者の口利きで皇城の奥庭で園芸係の仕事を得ることができた。  この皇宮の奥庭で好きな植物に囲まれてひっそりと暮らそう。ロザリンデはそう決意していたはずだったが……。 Did I reincarnate as a peasant woman? Or maybe a saint? Somehow I met the cool-headed emperor at the dirty imperial palace. He becomes infatuated with me and I climb my way up the royal social ladder! My normal everyday life used to consist of my job, that didn’t depend on me and my hobby, gardening. It’s a modest lifestyle of living alone. Then one day, I open a door to another world- I suddenly realized that there was an open air bath! After I broke off from some naked man and gathered my surroundings, I found out that I am Rosalind, the daughter of a ruined noble. I have absolutely no money, but if I can raise my favorite plants and make some money, I will persist and keep on living in this world. I come from a low social standing so there is the chance I’ll be harassed, but this mysterious man – Alexander – whose origins are unknown, has been taking care of me. Who exactly is he?



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